

Stop just dreaming and start living the dream. Dana will help you define what YOU really want out of life and chart a sure and solid path to get there.

My coaching centers around the ability to understand you: to think as you think, understanding your perspective.  Upon this benchmark, I place another perspective or template—gently stretching and growing you to see a more empowering path. As a certified coach, I can not only understand what you are going through now, but can foresee what is up ahead. Coaching is largely about foreseeing, paving the way, coming alongside you to help you achieve goals and overcome limiting paradigms.

See coaching services below.

Two levels of coaching support:

Individual Coaching:

One-on-one private and confidential coaching

When working with you individually, my highest objective is to help you reach your purpose, vision and goals using proven approaches that fit your needs. Together, we will build a strategic, powerful plan for you. You’ll progress and gain clarity about your path through a process that includes interaction and accountability.

  • What are you doing to invest in yourself?
  • What are you doing to invest in others?

Group Coaching:

Small setting, onsite of via webinar/video technology

I find working in group settings allows all the participants to benefit from an amplified richness of discussion and leverages a wide range of experiences to develop solutions above and beyond those individuals can create on their own. A bond between participants tends to form within this safe environment and empowers each person to develop the leader within, yet nurtures the group as a whole. This experience is unlike any other, following the same premise as an academic think tank.

Contact me, and together we will create the most effective plan to bring about your positive change and growth.
